It’s official. I’m chopping off my long locks in 2007. My new haircut….
I saw Madonna’s new vid, and i’ve been a huge fan of this cut since i pretended i had it….
HOT or NOT? ahhahaa cuz I’m gunning for a new change. Time to cut off that mane… and i think i’m gonna go red.
btw, before i shower i figured i should give a lil update on my life:
SCHOOL – gonna be gradding soon. trying to finish my last semesters with a bang. I’m part of this committee that’s evaluating the “Teaching and Learning Environment” in the Faculty of Communication and Design – I truly believe that Ryerson is a platform for the Leaders of Tomorrow. I can see it in the core team that we have. Anyhow, I’ll be working closely with one of my fav profs- Lu Ann, the Dean and the Associate-Dean in trying to create a better system within our Faculty [incl Interior Design, Graphic Communication Management, Image Arts, Theatre, Fashion, and a couple more that i forgot] Hopefully my stupid brownie points will earn me some goodies in the end… well that and I’ve always been involved. Like i told the chinaboy noodle dude today, I want to be a proud Alumni of my program.
WORK – starting to die down but only cuz its vacation season-getting cold and etc. Jomomma’s been working me like a dog and feeding me like a baby.. hahah just kidding [only about the first part]. She’s been awesome about letting me finish my thesis and my last couple papers. I stress early on so I can make deadlines and have 1-2 grace days. By January.. it’ll be crazy again, I can feel it! Real Estate is quite exciting – according to Jomomma, I don’t mind it, but i defn see the logic in long-term investment..
ACT/MODEL – People are being extremely supportive of my new website and the comments are coming. Maybe if ur nice, i’ll let u see it! hahaha for those if you don’t know. my lilmui site is down.
I’m going to be modelling for TLN tomorrow around 7pm, so make sure u guys tune in! Channel 35 I think. Yes, its the one that has soft porn late at night…
not that I would know……Sai and I are thinking of shooting a calendar. I have no idea why, but then again someone suggested it to me that I do one. maybe i’ll just do one, print a few for my friends and ta-da. You’ll have Sawah, 24/7 365 days a year. hahahahah Shit. I think its just gonna feed my ego. We really have to stop that. My head’s big enough to explode.

LIVE – Found a new place.. and its awesome!! hahahha kudos to the “interior designer” I think i’m gonna really enjoy this transition. I’ll be more or less be living on my own and I think my mom will have to find that out in June when she comes here. I’ve been living with roommates for the past 4 years and with other random students since high school. I know what its like to have a house full of ppl and an apt with no one.. I’ll let u all know how it goes.. for now, i’m excited to walk around my place naked, watch tv naked, and cook naked.
hahaha [jk jo]

LOVE – Not that Mr. E is placed last… I figure ppl would stop reading after a lil while. Mr. E and I are doing FAAAAANNNNTAASSSTICCC!! We whisper sweet nothings into each others ear and i love freaking him out by scaring him with committment-related issues. We’re young, I know. I’m in no rush. Really I’m not. He’s my little t-Rex. its his new nickname. i wuv him to pieces… [baby talk.. more baby talk…] Everyday we’re happy to be together except when i’m doing stupid things [according to him].. he gets jealous once in a while, i kinda like it, it just means he’s much more devoted to me and it keeps him on his toes. NOT THAT I DO ANYTHING, CUZ I DON’T!!!!! really. I am a good girlfriend. utterly devoted to my one and only Mr. E – who by the way creates a family of cups from his little “nori jars”.

WORLD GOSSIP – Ummm.. 1. Fed-Ex: desperate, i can’t believe he was in Toronto with Much Music when he got a text msg that he got dumped. I can’t believe he’s black mailing Britney with a sex tape. How low can u go? The world already hates u dude.. let it go and find a new job. 2. David Miller got re-elected as Mayor of Toronto, I probably would have voted for him anyways. 3. Bush is a moron. 4. Prime Minister Harper got denied by China…ouch! 5. OJ Simpson is about to write a book titled, “If I did it…” OMG, he was always guilty man!
Bush is a fucking moron..
but i dont thing the others were any smarter...