I woke up this morning to find this stupid HUGE ASS bruise on my inner thigh [by the knee]
Its the size of a hockey puck.
I was supposed to do a sensual, sexy photoshoot today too.. prolly gonna cancel if i can’t find any other means to hide this hideous blemish.
How did it happen you ask?
I walked back from Plush with my godsis and some stupid ass kicked a garbage can cuz he was pissed off or something. The garbage can hit me and i was swearing at him like a mofo. I’m not drama I swear! But it hurt like a mofo.
This morning i wake up to this. FUCK.
as for the rest of the evening.. it was great. I was drunk. DRUNK SILLY – I don’t even know what the hell I was saying when we ate at Green Hut. [Yes, Joo, I get drunk]
run a REALLY REALLY HOT BATH and sit in it with your BRUISE emmersed and COMB IT OUT...
use a fine-toothed comb...
the heat of the water will stimulate blood flow (only veins bruise, arteries don't) which means you wanna get rid of the blood stuck in there...comb it'll make it a lot lighter and less 'veiny' =)
keep your leg elevated so the flow is upward to your body (but down from gravity...comb toward the trunk of your thigh)...good luck!