OMG. its December already. the only ppl i’ve seen is Mr.E, Jomoms, and my family.
I haven’t seen anyone in ages. I can’t wait to party next weekend… especially when i missed a crazy nite at Maro last nite 🙁 WAAAA…
I’m working on my thesis. Songket and Batik.

btw.. do i look like this girl? My friends seem to think so, I don’t. She’s quite pretty tho 🙂
This is my final version of Shiseido before I print it:
ok ok.. back to my thesis.
A) She kinda looks like you...the full lips and smokey eyes part...but not totally alike...
B) NOOOOOOOOO! you cut out your eyes!! now people (unless they've seen the first few versions) won't know that its you!! it's like taking the Mc out of the BigMac!! NO!!!!
Heyy i love your new banner! New pictures we haven't seen before..
And yah you and her [girl in beer ad] kinda look alike..
YESHHH. This Shiseido ad is definately your best effort. I like that the product's name is on your skin...the message is telegraphic and clear - beautiful skin = shiseido skin. WELL DONE :)