I’m getting ridiculously lazy. Whether it is sending updates to my friends back at home, or even picking up the phone and trying to reach my family. The worst case of laziness I’ve been dealing with is not looking my best. I just rather put the bare minimums on and walk out of the house with my dripping wet hair in a bun.
I go to Bangsar quite often to work out, chill, wax and i decide that being comfortable is more important. I’d totally sport the specs but since I got my Lasik, my geek look is gone forever. I used to put so much time and effort with pounds of make up and then go home and photoshop all the zits wrinkles and smile flaws. These days, with Facebook, if there are 5 cameras. Erryone’s posting them pics up-n deres nottin u can do!
This laziness does seem to work for me cuz the fellas seem to think they’re getting a “scoop” into the REAL ME. Yup, the real me is ridiculously lazy! And yup, I just didn’t really bother taking an extra 15 mins to get ready.
Well, you do not need a pound of makeup anyway la! As for being lazy.. sometimes that's the best time for some R&R. I love to do nothing! lol. How did your lasik go? I got mine done in Feb before I went on my Asia trip in May and I love it! Now I dont' know what to do with my old specs.
but maybe that's why I didn't make it into FHM....hmmm...