(with stylo Sazzy Falak last week – taking a break from our shoot)
“Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.” -Psalm 61:2
Since the religious month of Ramadhan had kicked in, coincidentally my spiritual side also suddenly became slightly more reactive. I’ve never been the sort to be preachy about religion or how “Christian” I am – or to remind people that just believing in Him will lead you to heaven. I have never been an Evangelist spreading the good news to others because I don’t really have the guts to do it. In fact, I truly believe that religion is between you and your God (whomever your God is). I stopped going to church for numerous reasons and I remember being around church members that were always so quick to judge my lifestyle, my friends, and my environment, kept me away more than it drew me close. I think Jesus spent enough time around prostitutes and lepers as much as he did disciples and followers, so I don’t need to justify what I do to anyone. At the end of the day, I answer to God and that is the single thing that keeps me in check.
I attended one of these church dinners the other day, with a few family members and as the Bishop prayed, he said out this verse: Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. It spoke volumes to me because I have been the architect of my career and with all the plans that I have inked out for myself, I forget that my life could have a bigger calling and that there could be bigger things for me to come (even though IÂ already dream big). So I thought I’d share this verse with everyone whether you are Christian, Buddhist, Muslim or even Jewish. There is truly a higher power greater than we can for see and keep the faith that He will lead you to a higher Rock. I count my blessings and I know that a lot of my life that is masterminded by Him. Only He will know which path he wants me to go and only He can take me there.
Happy fasting my Muslim friends, your steadfast diligence is a reminder for me to be grateful for the good things I have in my life! Selamat Berpuasa!