C’mon Malaysia. It’s time we face the facts and start working together to stop the spread of AIDS. I urge you to be the message and be part of the biggest AIDS campaign in Malaysia. Let us remember the 13000 people who have died so far and learn how to prevent it from happening to our loved ones or even ourselves.
Write your own message and upload a photo of you with the message on to the website.
We’re currently at 2220 messages and I know that we can hit our target and make this goal happen! Let’s do our part!
AIDSAware advocates safer sex, being responsible for our own and other people’s health, being accountable for our actions and not discriminating against people living with HIV. We hope to collect 13,000 “photo messages” by end December 2010, as 13,000 Malaysians have died to date from AIDS in Malaysia.
The “photo messages” collected up to 31st December 2010 will be printed and displayed in one of the largest social photographic exhibitions ever attempted in terms of exhibits in Malaysia, in January 2011.
Please join us at www.aidsaware.ruumz.com