Thank God for social networking! Let me tell you why:
I was in HK for a few days before flying off to Taiwan and I had a little tweet asking where I could see the live broadcast for the Oscars since I wasn’t going to have a TV where I was at and hoping that I could catch some of that Hollywood action especially seeing a few movies nominated this year.
Raffi replied via twitter and told me about the Star Movies screening at the Harbour Grand (an email I had overlooked since I didn’t think I was gonna make it). Then I logged on to my facebook to find that my cousin was gonna head there at 8am to the live broadcast as well – Woot! Double-score! I got to see the Oscars and hang out with my cousin!!
Lisa S and Jason were good-live shows are NOT easy! But the television audience missed out on Simon Yin who was hosting inbetween Lisa’s changes! The food kept me going and I got to catch up with a few more friends in HK – BONUS!
Check out the Hong Kong-Kowloon Harbour in the background!(We’re all still trying to wake up)
Ha, all-in-all it was pretty random that I ended up at that Oscar party but a few friends did catch glimpses of me. The bestest and coolest was the wonderful gifts in my goodie bag: TA-DA, Elemis HK, and…
Woot! Lomo-baby!
Thanks to Raffi’s last minute tweeting and for a fun time! 😉