Being back in Malaysia means being reunited with Quinn aka Mountain Lion Goat aka Quinnesha aka Beautiful Mind.
Waiting for mama to come home.
Sleeping under the Christmas tree.
Not a fussy eater.
Hates showers.
Doesn’t like to share sinks.
Like her mother, she’s an only child that plays by herself and comes up with new tricks to entertain us. She warbles and makes nonsensical sounds. She loves laying out in the sun with her bushy tail flapping back and forth. She loves the smell of flora and fauna and will sniff them when she can. She likes waking us up at 7am as if we are on her clock and most of all, she doesn’t give a damn. Talk about a fierce one! That’s her story, Quinn Fabray and her two moms.
Note: She was a Lian before she became a Tan, comrade!