Selfie-culture is a little annoying nowadays, wouldn’t you agree?
I don’t think one needs to “selfie” unless its to serve the purpose of your clients, sponsors and other contractual agreements.
I admit it. I take pictures of myself for attention. When I see the likes increase on Instagram, it gives me some sort of satisfaction. When I’m down or feeling insecure, I post photos of myself and the response I get validates me temporarily. I can’t believe I’m confessing to this – it’s really sad and pathetic. Not so surprising, my best friend pointed that to me, she noticed that I take a few more pics of myself when I am down. She was right! Why do I care so much about what strangers say about me? Why do I rely on them to make me feel better? Whhhyyyyy???
Well played Instagram, well played.

Continuing with my confessions, I’m starting to judge people on Instagram. The more self-absorbed you are, the more you can tell what what your Instagram will look like: a billion selfies.
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You don’t need to selfie every damn day, I know what you look like and you’ll still look like that tomorrow.
I’m ranting a little because this #selfie culture is getting ridiculous. We’ve all gotten so narcissistic that we think everyone cares about what we do and how we look like. Everything needs to be monetized, get your money, get your fans, get your likes.. more me me me. I’m so guilty of it!!! You don’t need to selfie every damn day, I know what you look like and you’ll still look like that tomorrow. We just keep feeding this ego-machine! (Disclaimer: unless you’re doing something to your face, cuz i’m really into before and afters.)
If not, then please just get over yourself.
I’m aiming to be a bit more meaningful on my messaging over my various social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Website. (AIM is the key word here)
My New Years Resolution is to selfie no more than 5x a month (unless its for work). To shift the focus off myself and those who need the spotlight instead of me. Haha what’s your New Year’s Resolution this year?