I have never felt so happy and so guilty at the same time.
I scarfed down an entire durian before dinner and then after i brushed my teeth and got ready for bed, my aunty scurrily asked me to eat the other one. Of course I declined right away- especially after my pores were already permeating durian sweat. After yanking my other arm, I started munching on the second durian.
I’m already full and being fed to the brim with the rojak, char kueh teow and chicken rice and bah kut teh nonsense… adding durian to the mix wasn’t exactly necessary. I even had a huge brunch the day before at the E & O hotel with a specially baked durian cake for my aunt and I.
When we eat durian, we must drink lots of water, I already have to drink lots of water to compensate for my bad skin, I have bad skin bc of the non-stop drinking, partying, and horrible eating. So i’ve re-completed the cycle cuz i’m eating heaty food thats not helping me–again. BAH.
Not only has this cycle perpetuated itself, i have seem to left a trail as well. I washed my hands in the bathroom quickly to go back downstairs to eat more durian. Because there wasn’t a thorough wash inbetween durian eats, there were a gazillion ants around the knobs of the tap.
All my fault. 🙁
..plus i think i just got a durian-zit. my alcohol-zit won’t seem to go away. Not even Penang can help it, not even anti-septic can help it!! KKEENNNAAAPPPAAAA????
hahahhahaha durian zit!! soo funny.
dude, i wish i had your problem with the "rojak, char kueh teow and chicken rice and bah kut teh nonsense"!! (DROOLS)
too bad i didn't get in contact with you while i was in KL.. i had no idea you were so close to midvalley! i love their food court downstairs.. esp that one place with the duck noodles. sooooo yumms!!
i didn't know you were into wu zun (still weird not hearing his full name). i should show you our grade 6 class pic one day. he was so cute and chubby with a massive glasses but he was a really good kid...always smiley and all.